
Travel Club

The Morgan Sports Car Club has appointed Scenic Car Tours, as its partner and official tour operator, to offer members an annual programme of tours and events both in the UK and abroad.

Some tours for 2024 are:

10-13 MAY – Montlhery Vintage Revival. MSCC Travel Club tour to this fascinating event.

14-18 JUNE – MSCC Travel Club D-Day 80th Anniversary tour to Normandy. Four-night tour including D-Day landing beaches, Pegasus Bridge and the Atlantic Wall. 

26-28 JULY - Mogfest & Annual Dinner, Shropshire. Please note booking for all aspects of the event including Weston Park entry with Reserved Mogfest Parking can only be made in advance through MSCC Travel Club.

29 JULY-2 AUGUST – MSCC Travel Club Post-Mogfest tour of North Wales.

1-11 SEPTEMBER - MSCC Travel Club to Lake Maggiore, Italy.

28 SEPTEMBER – Morgan Challenge at Snetterton. The theme for 2024 is “Best of British”.

See www.mscctravelclub.com for more details.

The benefits:

  • All the organising, booking (and if necessary changing bookings) is done for you.
  • Enjoy getting together with other Morgan people, meeting old and new friends.
  • Visit special events, often with a classic car theme.
  • Visit new places and savour fascinating scenic routes.
  • The programme has been well supported by hundreds of bookings since its launch in 2015.
  • Prices are kept as keen as possible to try to offer members something different as well as value for money.

Alternatively, as an MSCC member, you also qualify for a £50 per car/booking discount off of any Scenic Car Tours holiday or short break. To obtain your discount, you will need a unique member code. This can be obtained by logging into the MSCC members' area on the Club website, (if your email address needs updating please advise membership.sec@morgansportscarclub.com). This code will change each year, so you will need to be a current member to gain a discount.

MSCC Travel Club