
Cranmog - Cranfield Area

CRANMOG is a large and active centre; we meet regularly on the second Wednesday of the month at The Jolly Coopers, Wardhedges Road, Wardhedges MK45 5ED (8.30pm start).

Please join us at a noggin one evening, no need to phone (unless you need directions!) just turn up on the night. The pub does good food too, and some of us arrive about 7.00pm and have a bite before the meeting.

Apart from this monthly 'noggin', there are a lot of other social events on the calendar. All of our events are shown on our website www.cranmog.org.

We are very friendly and throughout the year we meet at varying events; weekends away and Classic Car shows as well as having a club area at many country shows and fetes taking place locally. We also arrange scenic drives and runs that will start and finish from nice pubs and hotels.

Our area covers parts of Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire.

We are enthusiasts for all things ‘Morgan’, you do not have to own a car to be a member.

If you are interested please do not hesitate to contact the Centre Secretary via email: cranmog.sec@morgansportscarclub.com
