
Sherwood Forest - Sherwood Forest Area

Welcome to The Sherwood Forest Centre of the Morgan Sports Car Club, which for fairly obvious reasons is known as ‘The Outlaws’.  We are a small centre covering Nottinghamshire and parts of Derbyshire. The Centre was formed in circa 1997 and has been active locally ever since.

Sherwood Centre has a number of activities each year including a weekend away, scenic runs to places of interest or into the wilds of Derbyshire and the Peak District and we periodically have lunches and evening meals organised at local pubs. We have a monthly meeting (noggin) at the Griffins Head, Paplewick on the 2nd Monday of each month. The times are a bit flexible but usually members can be found there at around 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start. It is very informal and a good opportunity just to have a chat and catch up with friends new and old.


Our main aim as a Centre is to share our enthusiasm and love of Morgan Cars and to enjoy ourselves. We would be delighted to welcome you at one of our monthly meetings, or other events, during the year. You are not required to wear Lincoln green!!

No annual subscription is payable to become a member of the Centre, the only stipulation being that you must be a member of the Morgan Sports Car Club.
